The highway Vërmicë-Merdare

Posted 12:14 PM by MyKosova in
Prizren April 25, 2010.
The work began today on 103km highway Vërmicë-Merdare that will cost more than 700 million euro. State leaders of Kosovo and Albania, appreciated the historic importance of the road project who is named “the nation’s road”... .

The road, connects Kosovo to Albania, but also to Europe and will be in service of economic development and integration. This evaluation was the common denominator of the state speeches of leaders of Kosovo and Albania, at the ceremony of starting work on the highway Vërmicë-Merdare. Kosovo Government, is implementing the project of major importance and is opening a new chapter in the economic development of Kosovo.
Highway Vërmicë - Merdare is a continuation of Durres Kukës highway. Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who stood in Vërmicë, especially for the ceremony, stressed that the project demonstrates the strength of the Albanians to build their deserved European future. According to him, the corridor is connecting the nation's major project for peace, stability and regional cooperation.

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